Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been in practice?

I have been a PT since 1997 and I began to focus almost exclusively in MFR in 2005.  Quantum Therapy, PC opened in 2006, first in Florida, and then in Portland starting in 2009.

Do you take insurance?

No, but depending on your out of network physical therapy benefits, you may be eligible for reimbursement.  I can give you a receipt of services with the necessary treatment codes. However, you are responsible for finding out what your benefits are, and for submitting the claims. Payment to Quantum Therapy, PC must be received in full at the time the treatment is rendered.

What is the cost for a session?

A 75 minute session costs $140.  There are 15 minutes between sessions to re-dress, pay, and schedule, so the full 75 minutes is spent on treatment.

Do I need a prescription?

The Oregon Board of Physical Therapy no longer requires a doctor's referral for PT. However, if you are planning to submit your receipts to your insurance for reimbursement, please check with them regarding their requirements for referrals, pre-authorization, deductibles, and rates prior to beginning therapy.

What do I wear?

Treatment is performed on bare skin, so most patients simply wear their underwear. If you are more comfortable, elastic gym shorts and a tank top are fine, but should be loose enough to maneuver my hands under. Also, please refrain from applying body lotion on treatment day, as that makes it difficult to maintain good traction.

How many sessions will I need?

Each patient is unique in their needs and responsiveness to treatment. However, in general, I expect to see some change within 3 or 4 visits.   There is no protocol that must be followed and we can work together to determine the optimal frequency and duration of treatment.

How can I learn more about MFR?

John Barnes’ website,, is an invaluable source of information. In particular, I suggest looking under “Articles” near the upper left-hand corner of the navigation bar.