A Summary: Architecture of Human Living Fascia By Jean-Claude Guimberteau
I’d like to share with you Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau’s text titled “Architecture of Human Living Fascia”. Dr. G, as he will henceforth be referred to here, greatly influenced John Barnes’ understanding and teaching of the fascial system, and therefore, my understanding. He was by far, my favorite speaker at the Fascial Congress (2015) and his work also influenced the naming of my company, Quantum Therapy, PC.
Fascia and Fungi…What’s the connection?
I just recently re-watched “Fantastic Fungi”, the Netflix documentary on the wonders of the mycological world. The documentary touches on many aspects of this mysterious yet ubiquitous form, not entirely plant nor animal, but its own unique kingdom. It’s a fascinating delve into the transformational power of its role in decomposition and regeneration of our ecosystems. New findings for its potential in environmental cleanup and carbon storage are explored and gave me a spark of true hope for our bleak climate future. And finally, a resurgence in research of the medicinal and spiritual use of psilocybin, the psychoactive component of fungi, is celebrated.